Ladies, A Sincerely Praying Woman Has The World At Her Feet

by Temilolu Okeowo
Dear Madam Temilolu,
I pray ladies of this generation can just take their time and learn from your fountain of knowledge. More power to your elbow!
- Mr. Ogundele

I am one of your readers/fans; please keep up your good work as your column is fascinating and very educative. No fear or favour, always free and fair. Stay blessed.
- Mr.Thompson

Dear Aunty Temilolu,
My boyfriend broke up with me on the grounds that he’s born again. Thank God for that because it opened my eyes to the fact that I needed God too. I used to run away from surrendering totally to God because I thought I was young and needed to enjoy life. However, now I have a new friend in Jesus and in the form of a reformed ex-boyfriend. I hope you publish this in your next column; I’d like to see it there. I realize that even though I didn’t lose my virginity, I did a lot of wrongs but after confessing my sins and giving my life to Christ, I feel light and free of guilt in my heart. Who says being a friend of God is boring? It’s the best thing ever! Your friend (I hope),
- Mariam

My darling, precious, glorious, dignified and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
Still on one of Pastor Adeboye’s recommendation on marriage- “Men should not marry a lady who cannot pray for at least one hour.” You’d recall I mentioned the super-natural powers women especially, are endowed with in my last article and how the devil – our common enemy – is denying us its best use because of too much concentration on superficiality and inanities.

A lot of women are groaning badly and have had their beautiful dreams of a fulfilling and wondrous life shattered because they refused to grow spiritually and someone else took over their destiny/joy. Our common enemy exploits this and makes a lot of ladies marry the wrong person. In fact, more often than not, they end up with men who would frustrate or out rightly kill their destiny.

So, why won’t you start growing spiritually now and praying not to take a wrong step that could mar your great destiny/future? I tell you, the earlier you start, the better. Praying and fasting should be your way of life and what should light up your path through the journey of life and not what you should learn to start doing when you are in great trouble.

I see a lot of women in their mid-forties/fifties who after realising they have lost so much grounds to the devil and virtually wasted their time and opportunities on earth, end up in church almost on a daily basis seeking God and answers to their challenges. So many of them are without spouses or children. So many of them derailed from God’s divine agenda from their lives. So many of them are perpetually in great sorrow and confusion. That shall not be your portion in Jesus name.

I have often said here that your battles are commensurate with the magnitude of your greatness and if you decide not to get really close to God to show you the secrets you need to know about your life and which way to go, you will certainly blame yourself in future and that is if you ever discover who/what you were destined to be in life.

When the issue of not marrying a lady who cannot pray for one hour came up, I read someone’s response on the social media and her response was that even Joyce Meyer, (one of world’s most influential preachers who runs one of world’s largest ministries) said she only prays for a few minutes and doesn’t have to pray for long so praying for so long isn’t necessary.

Now, how can you compare yourself with Joyce Meyer, an American who has very little to contend with and so much grace upon her life because her fore-fathers were missionaries forgetting your idolatrous background here in Africa and so much evil still hanging over your family line as a result of this? Besides, with her challenges as a child and the call of God upon her life, in her earlier years, she must have prayed and prayed and prayed to get to where she is today!

You girls had better wake up to reality because you just never know the type of destiny you carry and what you have to contend with.

I keep telling you, your pastor may be so anointed and performing wonders on a daily basis but no one, except God, can reveal the original trajectory of your life to you! And you can only discover this by praying without ceasing and living a holy life. Besides, you never know what you are destined to contend with as you journey through life. If you are not strengthened or heavily armed with prayers, just one blow which you should cash in on to catapult your destiny could knock you out for life! More to come on this! May God bless you!

To be continued.
Ladies, A Sincerely Praying Woman Has The World At Her Feet Ladies, A Sincerely Praying Woman Has The World At Her Feet Reviewed by Unknown on 07:44 Rating: 5

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